Union Pacific Railroad - Alexandria
ABC Railroad - Alexandria
Downtown Alexandria Nebraska
Alexandria Community Center
Historic Alexandria Cemetery
Pony Express Park - Alexandria
Rock School
Alexandria State Rec. Area
Alexandria Nebraska

Alexandria info:

Alexandria has its roots in an earlier community called Meridian, which was situated on the Oregon Trail about three miles from the present town. Meridian existed from the 1850’s until the St. Joseph Railroad followed the Big Sandy Creek instead of the Little Blue River. When the line came through in 1872, most of the inhabitants of Meridian picked up their possessions, including houses and buildings in some cases, and moved to the new town site. The name was chosen by Silas Alexander, owner of the land where Alexandria was platted. Mr. Alexander had been the territorial county sheriff and then moved to Lincoln where he served as Nebraska’s Adjutant General.

Nothing remains today at Meridian except the German Presbyterian Cemetery, on the site of a church that originated a few years after most residents departed for the new town. Oddly enough, nearly all the original Meridian tombstones were taken by a local farmer, who used them to line the cellar hole for his new home. Ruts from the Oregon Trail are located on private ground nearby.

Along with ties to the Oregon Trail, Alexandria’s founding families were involved with the Pony Express. Two riders lived in the town and their descendants have sometimes taken part in the re-enactments. The consolidated school where Alexandria students now attend is named Meridian in honor of the original community.

Visitors enjoy camping and picnics at the Alexandria State Lakes, which is maintained by the State of Nebraska. The Big Sandy Creek, on the immediate south edge of town, is scenic and easily accessible.

Alexandria is an agricultural area with dry land and irrigated crop land raising corn, soybeans, milo, and alfalfa. There are some livestock (cattle and hog) operations in the area.

Airports serving the region are Hebron, Lincoln, Omaha, and Grand Island.

Union Pacific Railroad, with double tracks, is on the south edge of town. The ABC Railroad, named alphabetically with Alexandria, Belvidere, Carleton, and Davenport, is in Thayer County and continues on to Hastings and beyond. Sometimes the Union Pacific sends its antique steam engine through town and people line the crossings to see and hear a piece of history.